Writing an essay is one of the most popular tasks students do during their academic career. Most of these assignments are easy for you because you have attempted them before. Even if the type of assignment is new, the basic structure and format remains the same. Each assignment begins with an introduction and ends at a conclusion with the body in between. The body of your paper contains the paragraphs and supporting evidence that you will use to prove your stance to the audience. To be able to create a winning assignment it is essential that you have strong evidence as well as a clear representation of your topic. Sometimes students fail to present their paper to the audience in a clear and effective manner, in such occasions experienced online essay writers are ready to help. It is important that you engage your audience in the paper so that they know what to expect from the rest of the assignment
A hook is an important part in any academic paper because it helps to engage your audience and develop their curiosity. Students should present this hook at the start of the assignment so that they can capture the attention of the audience in start of the paper. The hook is officially the part of your introduction paragraph. The introduction paragraph contains an opening statement with a hook and a thesis statement that will present the scope of your work to the audience. Different professionals open an introduction with different styles. Some of them prefer to begin with an assertion while others like to start with an anecdote. If you are to create an effective hook for your paper, you should keep the following tips in your mind
The first thing you will do is to decide the type of the hook you will use. Identify whether you will use a famous quotation, a short story, a fact, an assertion or a negation to open your paper
Make sure that your hook contains valid and authenticated information for the paper
If your hook is not relevant to the scope of your work, then your efforts will be wasted
Be clear about the scope of your work and do not exaggerate anything. You should stay precise while writing this section