Writing about dreams can be confusing and a bit of a challenge. The problem isn’t so much with crafting a good essay, but in detailing elements from dreams in a descriptive or narrative way so that the reader understands the message you are trying to convey in your assignment. We’ve come up with a few effective ways to craft a great paper about dreams you should consider for your next assignment:
You won’t know for certain how many times you will get this kind of assignment, but you could get a jump on the creative process by keeping a dream journal. This is a pretty simple strategy that will help you remember details from lucid dreams that would otherwise be forgotten after a few hours. Just keep a small notepad next to your bed and write anything that comes to mind after a night’s sleep.
When looking at your journal try to identify some of the major themes that have either occurred once or have been present on several occasions. Again, there are no hard and fast rules about what you should do with this source material. It’s simply a good way of keeping things from getting lost and keeping things organized for easy retrieval.
Take a look at your essay prompt and highlight key terms or ideas. See if you can’t apply some of the things from your journal to what the assignment is asking you to do. With a journal you should be able to recall a lot of these things with more ease, so even if you don’t have the right ideas to begin with you will be able to think creatively about what you want to write about.
Now take all of your notes and start writing that first draft. Try to do this as quickly and efficiently as possible, much like you did when making your journal entries. This time, of course, you should be addressing the instructions presented in the essay prompt. It might help to create an outline first so that you can follow along in a logical manner.
Finally, set your written assignment aside for a few days then come back to it to revise your writing. Look for any way in which you can improve your work by clear and direct language. You should also edit and proofread your work for any mistakes in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Do each of these exercises separately and with a critical eye. This will make it easier to spot areas that need fixing.