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Writing an Impressive Argumentative Essay on Justice

The Legal Justice classes offered can be quite interesting. They cover people, cases, laws, and crimes. Parts of the syllabus focuses on the art of argumentation in written form, so expect essays to be assigned. If you struggle with this component of the class, feel free to use this tip sheet.

Tips for an Impressive Argumentative Essay in Criminal Justice Class

  • Check your emotions-some of these topics will be compelling, heart-breaking, and emotional. You can have emotions in the paper, but any sign of run away emotion is bad. If you can appeal to your reader while supporting an emotional stance, then go ahead. Keep in mind that the support needs to be reliable and credible.
  • Experts-if you can find a local professor, lawyer, or police officer to give you quotes on the selected subject then do so. This solid evidence will greatly enhance the subject and show the instructor your great effort.
  • Watch the Jargon-do not get lost or let you audience get lost in the jargon of the industry. If you need to use it, then make sure to give appropriate definitions and examples of the term.
  • Serial Criminals-for some reason the world is enthralled and simultaneously disgusted with serial criminals. These evil people have existed down through the years. Consider selecting one for your topic. Or better yet, compare and contrast one from history to a modern day criminal.
  • Great Men, Great Law Breakers-for some reason, many of the great men in history have had the tendency to break the law. They move about as if the laws do not apply to them. Consider a case study on one of these great men and his great flaw.
  • Professional Help-as a student in the Criminal Justice field, you may not be comfortable with writing. It is a skill you will need to develop. As you begin this process, think about using writing company to help you learn the ropes. Having a professional support system is a smart thing to do when it comes to writing.
  • Social Media-join a few social media sites that give trending news updates. You can specify that you want ones dealing with crime and justice. By doing this, you will always be aware of current news in the field. This will help when it is time to write.

When your Justice instructor assigns you an argumentative essay, use this guide sheet to ensure an impressive product.
