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How To Begin An Exploratory Essay: 8 Basic Points

Most writing assignments will ask you to state a position and then write about that position. The writing can be argumentative, where you are supposed to make a case for your position through supporting evidence and try to establish it as fact. An essay can also be exploratory where you state a position, ask questions about it and then go about gathering information that may answer your questions. The main theme, however, is not the establishment of definitive answers but the sharing of information you have gathered about a topic.

Exploratory essays have an important place in learning. They are used in everything from college admissions to employment testing.

Here are 8 basic points that will help you begin an exploratory essay:

  1. Choose the topic wisely
  2. The topic of your essay will have a great effect on its success. The topic should be one you are knowledgeable about. It should also be one which you can research and write authoritatively about. Choose wisely.

  3. The title matters
  4. Once you have chosen a topic, you should choose a title for your essay too. A humdrum, run of the mill title will not entice readers to keep on reading. It should draw the reader in.

  5. Establish your point
  6. The first thing in the introduction of the essay should be the establishment of a position or point of view. This is related to your topic and should be interesting to the reader.

  7. Provide context
  8. Here, you set the agenda. You provide information about the main topic and explain so that the reader knows what the topic is and what questions are to be asked.

  9. Establish the importance of your idea
  10. This is where you ensure the reader cares about what you are writing by telling them why they should care. If your reader cares about what they are reading, they will keep on reading.

  11. Ask your questions
  12. Here you ask questions about your main point and establish why you want to research it. The questions should clarify to the reader why you are interested in the topic.

  13. Describe the sources
  14. A brief word about what kind of sources you have looked up to research the topic will also be helpful.

  15. Be Concise
  16. The above may sound like a lot but it should be established within a few sentences. Long winded sentences will only help you lose your reader’s attention. Keep it precise and concise.
